
“Jake is not my first coach and I wasn’t new to bodybuilding, But I’m brand new to this kind of coaching.

I’ve been able to successfully go through a leaning out and then building phase with Jake and I couldn’t be happier with the results of both! His programming is well thought out, backed by science and also just as importantly, experience.

You don’t just get a coach, you get a friend, a supporter, a cheerleader who gets just as excited as I do about my achievements and progress. You get someone who is happy to tell you when he increases your carbs during a building phase and says “EAT UP!” I’ve never had a coach that enthusiastic about his clients eating food and enjoying it!

He encourages a healthy lifestyle that doesn’t just include what I eat and what workouts I do. He addresses day to day life and how to make better, healthier choices for myself. Even in really stressful, tough times in my personal life, having Jake to help keep me on track gave me something to work for and a sense of achievement that kept me going.

It’s a big decision to trust someone completely to get you to your goals. That’s how I felt. But I’m here to tell you that with Jake’s guidance I didn’t reach the goals I set for myself. I reached bigger ones.

Trez Gagnier, Natural Physique Competitor

“Jake Wojciechowski, my mentor, and my role model.

I hired Jake as my fitness coach last year. Hoping to simply get in shape. A year later I am focusing on getting my pro card in the bodybuilding world. Jake has helped me become a stronger, healthier, and all around happier person. He is so much more than just a coach, he is one of my best friends that I can depend on no matter what.

I am thankful everyday for having him in my life.”

Brett Zimmer, Natural Physique Competitor

“I have been working with Jake since January and have been more than impressed with his knowledge of nutrition and training. I started out to get a professional perspective to get into the best shape I could at the age of 47. What i would find was following his nutrition and training not only was I able to get into the best shape of my life but also competed in a body building show that I never had any interest in before but because of the staggering results decided to give it a try. I was able to place well in the open division and win my age group and get my pro card, which is crazy seeing I wasn’t even interested in that when i started.

Jake is great to work with and has incredible attention to detail and prepared and answered every question I had along the way. He treats his clients like family and genuinely cares about our success. I am hooked on continuing my journey and Jake is the reason I have been able to accomplish my goals. He continues to motivate me to keep pushing to be and do better things in the gym and with my diet. Thanks for all you have done and continue to do.”

Chad Kingsbury, Natural Pro

“My Journey with Jake began in April of this year. There were so many reasons why I decided to begin training. I had competed in the past, taking 2 first places at my very first show, but I wasn’t happy. I wanted more. I asked a friend who knew Jake if he was the “real deal” you just never know what you’re going to get when you are looking for an online coach. With Jake I got everything I could have ever needed and more. From the start Jake was amazing! He changed my whole view on training and dieting. He taught me about flexible dieting which is such an important skill to understand and master as an athlete. He has knowledge beyond his years. He believed in me before I believed in myself. He saw something in me that I didn’t see in myself. I wouldn’t be where I am now without him. I am a champion because of him. I am a professional natural bikini athlete because of him. Jake has been my biggest hypeman through and through. I trust Jake and have unwavering faith in him as my coach. Our coach athlete relationship is something truly special that I value more than he could ever know. He has become family to me. And I will forever be Team Woj for life.”

Christina Charbeneau, Natural Pro

“Before signing up with Jake, I used to lift one body part a week and now that he has me on a split where I hit every body part at least 2 times a week, I have seen my strength increase and my pumps feel better than ever. I’m currently in a slight calorie surplus to try and gain some lean healthy mass before my next cut. Overall, Jake is an amazing coach and a closer friend than I would’ve imagined he would be. He has an abundance of knowledge and is always looking to help in some way. I’m excited to see what our future training / friendship leads to in the future!”

Cody Bell

“Starting my fitness journey with a coach was extremely scary for me. I had always worked out for the purpose of wanting to lose weight but I knew nothing about proper diet or the best way to achieve those goals and on top of that, I wasn’t seeing the results I wanted.

After just one month of working with Jake as my coach my life completely changed. I was seeing actual results, I developed a much healthier relationship with food (all while eating WAY more than I ever had before) and I gained strength physically and mentally. I would trust him with my life and I plan to continue using him as my coach for the foreseeable future. He is a great coach not just in his approach to designing a perfect workout or the most ideal macros but he supports you through your journey, makes sure you feel comfortable while going through a lot of changes and challenges, and is always there to help when you need it.

I tell everyone I know that Jake has changed my life and that he is an incredible coach because it is simply the truth.

I would encourage anyone who wants to achieve their goals to find a coach like Jake! I am so happy with where I am at and where I am headed even though the road to get here has been scary and at times an internal battle, but Jake has always been there to help me in those moments.

Some of my biggest takeaways from this journey have been that less isn’t more, you have to put in the work to see the results, and you most hold yourself accountable and committed to get to where you want to me. It is okay to be uncomfortable because it is all part of the process.

I have never been happier or healthier.”

Larkin Hubert, Ms. Bay County 2020

“I’ve been with Jake since May, and I haven’t looked back. I’ve always been a person who enjoys having some sort of workout plan/nutritional plan to follow, instead of just flying along with whatever. Jake has been extremely helpful and so knowledgeable with any and all questions I have. I’m not waiting for days on end if I have a question. He is very attentive and more than just a trainer. He motivates, encourages, and supports you with whatever goals you have in mind. Truly, what you get with Jake is worth it. You don’t just feel like another person. Everyone’s life and habits and goals are different and Jake makes whatever your striving for fit to YOU. Personal connections are important to me, and Jake has never failed on that. Very very happy with my progress and gains I’ve made. We aren’t stopping!”

Jamiee Crites

If you’re anything like me and fall victim to all these quick fix, yo-yo diets out there PLEASE STOP!! Do yourself a HUGE favor and hire Jake Wojciechowski as your Fitness Coach!!!

He has been nothing but a blessing to my life. We have worked together just shy of 10 months and I’ve lost almost 50 pounds!! Jake is personable, understanding, professional, and extremely knowledgeable!! He gives you all the tools you need to succeed, you just have to put forth the effort and stay committed! I HIGHLY recommend Jake to everyone I know!!”

Karen Reinhardt

“I have been working with Jake for 10 months. He has taught me the importance of counting macros, being consistent with my diet and exercise, getting good sleep and rest when needed. Since I have been following his plan he created for me I have noticed significant results. I am down a total of 17lbs and a lot stronger and leaner. It takes time, but definitely well worth it. He is very knowledgeable and answers any questions I have. His positive attitude always keeps me going. I recommend him to anyone looking to make a difference.”

Holly Pavlo

“Jake is an excellent coach who is extremely knowledgeable in the world of bodybuilding. He pays attention to every little detail and holds each client accountable because he genuinely wants you to reach your goals.

Any little question a client has for Jake he will answer with a educated response. His programming is simple, yet effective and his IIFYM approach is top notch. I would recommend signing up with Jake if you are looking to transform for your physique!”

Drew Kalahar

“Jake been more than just a bodybuilding coach to me. And that you can’t say about many people especially with how social media is now a days.

He’s helped me through a lot (mentally) and physically with my fitness goals with as busy as we can all be working full time and farming, etc. having not just a coach but a friend and community of people to help guide you along the way i can’t thank him enough.

I take my fitness goals very seriously and have plans/thoughts of possibly competing sometime down the road and. I fully trust Jake and me that we can do it.”

Collin Brabrant

“I met Jake at my very first bodybuilding show. He was the coach of the Classic Physique Overall winner. I met him backstage and instantly clicked with him and his client Cam. Jake showed respect, wisdom, and generosity towards me the entire time. He made such an impact that I asked him to be my coach shortly after the competition ended.

Since I’ve started with him, I’ve not only progressed my numbers in the gym, but my knowledge and wisdom out of the gym. This man is a walking example of brilliance in the basics. Jake is so much more than just a coach, but a true Health Mentor. He has built a family of people who are strong, passionate, and determined for greatness. I’m a proud member of the WOJ Training Systems family!”

Jonathan Trommer, Natural Bodybuilder

“I have been working with Jake since July 3rd. I have worked out in the past but the nutrition I always had trouble with. Jake has helped with that and with my workouts. He is very knowledgeable and when I need a question answered he is always there to answer it.

I was very leary about going through with this but I am so glad that I did because he has taken me to the next level. I still have a long way to go but with Jake’s help I know I will achieve that goal!”

Michael Kowalski